Thursday, January 11, 2007

Creation --->Maintenance --->Destruction

I was just thinking as to how fragile life is… everything is so delicate and we seldom do realise this. Be it love, relationships, friends, life, a thought or a strand of hair, it all is fragile...

Dams do overflow
And you do break mentally
After the volcano
Peaceful sobs persist
The satisfaction of letting go…
…letting go triumphs!
Life is perfect.

Lately, I have started to believe in the Universal Law three things. I lived in denial when my father explained the law to me and I said that some things are forever. But it’s not so. Everything ends and yes, not always on a good note! So the Law that I’m talking about is that of:

Creation -- Maintenance -- Destruction

The Trimūrti (English: ‘three forms’; Sanskrit: त्रिमूर्तिः trimūrti), Tri Murati or Trimurati, is a concept in Hinduism "in which the cosmic functions of creation, maintenance, and destruction are personified by the forms of Brahma the creator, Vishnu the maintainer or preserver and Shiva the destroyer or transformer." These three gods have been called "the Hindu triad" or the "Great Trinity", often addressed as "Brahma-Vishnu-Maheshwara." (Wikipedia)


Keshi said...

Great post!

Everything seems forever but really nothing is permanent! Alot of us tend to think that we r immortal...cos it seems like that. But like u said, we r so very fragile. Birth, Life and Death...which one of this is most certain. DEATH.


Junius said...

hey Me too realizing the same!
haha, time is a great teacher, only problem is ultimately all its pupils die...

Anonymous said...

nothing lasts forever...only change :) memories stay till the time they fade away...

sheesh>>quoting all dis from my previous posts..blogging dead for me for the time being! boredom catches up wid me faster than cold :P

Kay Vee said...

exactly! we all tend to take death so lightly...thinking death is something which is so far away...
one accident, one fatal disease and ur done!

LOL! how correct u are dude! ;-)

naah..i dont think certain memories ever fade. and i wudnt want some of them to fade. the lesson that comes with them enriches one quite a lot!

AlterinG Abhishek said...

You Mean the Trinity Of Brahma Vishnu and Mahesh!!
thats what teh post is ..
ANd what thre Universal lawas maam..

Anonymous said...

the more you hold onto something..the more it gets away from you....ya one golden rule applies evrywhere "There are always exceptions"! Cheers! :)

Kay Vee said...

@alter abhi:
yup somethin like that...tho i didnt remmeber the Trinity thing. only remembered that Brahma creates.

just like sand!

--Sunrise-- said...

Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh? It isn't Shiva?

Yeah that's what it reminded me of too... although I know verrrry little about the Hindu stories/scriptures/whatever they are called, I like the morals in them... (OK I am thinking of the Ramayana, and Meerabai... :S Not a lot, I know!) I love the way some still reflect our society, our way of life, nowadays...

Hmmmm, and this is coming from a self-confessed atheist... lol.

And that "creation, maintenance destruction" thing you talk of is one of the main ideas of Hinduism, isn't it? And then, there's the whole karma and afterlife thing...

May I ask, did your father explain this to you in terms of Hinduism?

Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

Just couple of mins back I destoryed a brain is all numb right now trying to remove all the memories attached with it...

The law is so true, makes sense to me...

Harsh said...

"Life is perfect"

Isn't it, girl? But only if 'letting go' is followed by 'getting it', and so goes the cycle.

Kay Vee said...

no. my dad didnt explain it to me in terms of the hindu religion. even tho im a hindu, we are not super-religious ppl. i hate going to the temple just for the sake of kneeling down before a lifeless clay model!
plus i wudnt prefer to rememeber the law in terms of brahma, vishnu and shiva/mahesh!

its gonna be ok soon enough...time heals!
by the way, i hope ur dad is fine now...

life sure seems perfect at time to me and it looks perfect becoz of its imperfections!
"letting go" is understood. i didnt fathom ur "getting it" statement!

Nabeel said...

I agree .. we take so many things for granted .. health is the first one and not any major health issue but even simple things like a burnt finger can make someone realize how fragile and delicate everything is and how everything works in harmony.

Nadim said...

creation----> Mntn'nce->Destruction

Make a mess of maintenance... destruction comes faster than usual

Kay Vee said...

yep! everything works in harmony. we kinda forget that at times and think that the world works on our whims! :P

PS: thanks for dropping by my blog! u got a lovely page!

"destruction comes faster than usual" also looks like detruction takes it own sweet time in doing its work and shows no signs of leaving us in peace any time soon! call it the theory of relativity!

--Sunrise-- said...

Re: 'getting it' thing,

I think he means you need to GET SOMETHING before you can actually let go, therefore the cycle would go:

Letting go (of it) --> getting it --> letting go (of it) --> getting it... and so on...

So long as there is something you are getting, the cycle can continue?

Lol... just what I am thinking - I am curious to know too!

Harsh said...

Well, "don't wait to find out !" is the motto.
(hahaha, I low my jocks Vin new body undie stands them.)

dharmabum said...

was wandering around the blogosphere and thought the post was quite interesting...

then read the the comments - about the 'lifeless clay model' - is it really lifeless? or does it lack what we, in our limited conditioning, 'perceive' as 'life' ??

Kay Vee said...


thanks for dropping by!
it cud be lifeless and/or it cud be something beyond the grasp of our perception! its a blind spot for us humans.

Ethan said...

Nice post.. The laws are simple.

One of those things in life that are so simple that they become difficult..

--Sunrise-- said...

Harsh: bahahahaha!!! What kind of a crazy accent would you have to have to say it like that?! :D Cool!

Aditi said...

Well everything ends in its current form but does leave behind marks doesnt it?
When wood burns fire is created... and when a relationship ends memories are ...
good or bad.. they are there.. will exist for as long as u do... and will influence u subtly in all that u do..

dharmabum said...

all this makes me wonder...there should be something thats permanent, right? logically, if we are going to talk about cration, maintenance etc, against what back drop?
is this backdrop what they called god? quite fasinating actually.

oh, and thanks for dropping by - hope to see u more often :)

Rani said...

VERY TRUE... i too used to believe that somethings last forever. NOTHING lasts for ever unless the people involved in it want it. families break, and people dont talk to each other for decades to come. relationships die, friendships fade away...
i agree..

AlterinG Abhishek said...
